Jade Aurora Waters

Smut of the Season, Smut of the Moment

As far as I’m concerned, every season is a good one for smut. However, the holidays, they are a-comin’ (pun intended)—so it’s not a bad time to start thinking about all the good reads you might want to gift yourself or a special someone this wintery season.

That said, I’d love to share exciting news—Foreword Literary releases Holiday Spice in early November, and my story “Office Santa” is included in the anthology!

(I’m still trying to fall out of love with the cover model, by the way.)

Contracts and edits are in the works, but I will be posting an excerpt of “Office Santa” very soon. I had far too much fun writing this one, so I hope you’ll enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

I have more thrilling news about another anthology to share beyond this, too, but for now I’m going to play the tease and leave the rest of the present unwrapping for later! 😉

In the meantime, I’d like to talk about the “Smut of the Moment” for those who are interested—or, in other words, what I’m up to and the sultry books I’m reading.

Smut of the Moment: What I’m Writing

I only recently launched this site, so I figured this post I’d share some of my behind-the-scenes endeavors. Currently, I’m wrapping up three little things before I dig my heels in for a big thing:

Smut of the Moment: What I’m Reading

This is where I introduce you to the squealing fangirl inside me. If you follow me on Twitter, you may have already picked up on my general state of enthusiasm—it’s on high most of the time—but get me talking about some of the amazing smut-writers I read and I start bouncing around with a borderline hyena grin as I encourage you to read them, too!

This is just the short list of a bigger list that is actually an entire bookcase, but you get the picture.

On that note, time to hunker down and tackle more smut—be it my writing or reading someone else’s.

Till next time…
