Jade Aurora Waters

So, Two Erotica Authors Walk Into a Bar…

I peddled these beauties all over Berkeley and SF...Sexy postcards from Rachel Kramer Bussel!

Okay, that wasn’t exactly how it went, but I got your attention, didn’t I? 🙂

Here’s the real story: Malin James and I have become super close pals since the release of The Big Book of Orgasms: 69 Sexy Stories. She had a fabulous little story in there called “Hard Knocks” (check it out if you haven’t read it!), and after we met at the reading at Good Vibrations in San Francisco, we decided to start emailing one another all the time and proudly established monthly “shop” lunches. It’s been delightful!

So, when we got together this weekend, we decided to scavenge through Barnes and Noble in search of the book we shared pages in. It took a few tries, because somehow, the smut was scattered all over the place. There were a bunch of Cleis Press anthologies in “Literature and Essays” (what?), and then a bounty of more nonfiction erotic options under “Love and Sexuality.” This section included how-to manuals and Penthouse Letters, and somehow, the little book that could—AKA The Big Book of Orgasms—got shoved over here. (Yeah, we didn’t get it either. In fact, we debated rearranging the store for a minute, but our Thai lunch was calling.)

Since it was very exciting to see this excellent book in the store, we opted to take a picture with it. This also took a few tries (damn iPhones) and caused a tiny bit of a scene…I mean, we were holding quite a hot looking orgasm book and giggling as we attempted to center our faces plus the sexy cover image into the viewfinder without looking. But hey! It turned out okay, so we posted it on Facebook and Twitter. And then our wonderful editor, Rachel Kramer Bussel, liked the photo so much she reposted it…with a challenge!


We’d love to see your pretty face with this pretty book, too. Make sure you give @BigBookofOrgasm a shout when you tweet it.

Here we are with our first anthology!

In the meantime, Malin and I might need to come up with alternate locations for this same picture. Next time, maybe we will hit a bar!


Haven’t picked up The Big Book of Orgasms: 69 Sexy Stories yet? You can do so right here.

Until next time…
