Jade Aurora Waters

Let There Be Fireworks!

Happy July, everyone!

I am excited to share that this month is going to be one smokin’ month on my site! There will be fireworks, fireworks, and more fireworks. It’s going to be hot!

A month of fireworks!

So where do we start? Well, first off, there’s one huge thing I’ve been dying to tell you about. And it’s coming. It’s so close. Oh my god I can practically feel it. You know when you send a bouncy ball flying in a house, and it whips off every wall, the floor, and then back around? Yeah. That’s me! I don’t have a precise date yet, but I’m going to give you an enormous hint:

Rose Caraway’s Facebook Status, 6/30/14

Did you hear my big squeal?

And more importantly—have you checked out The Kiss Me Quick’sIf you haven’t, please do. It’s a fantastic broadcast all narrated by the lovely and talented Rose Caraway. I’m tickled and honored that very soon, we’ll get to hear her narrate a little something from me as part of the KMQ’s!

*Bouncy ball goes flying.*

But wait, I have more fireworks. July is extra happening because I have some sexy guests and tour spots on the way! I’m thrilled to tell you that I will be hosting a stop on Violet Blue’s The Ultimate Guide to Sexual Fantasy blog tour, A.M. Hartnett’s delicious summer release tour, and also Alison Tyler’s Those Boys tour. Wow!

*Bouncy ball goes flying.*

As if that’s not enough fun over here, we’ll also have the next Pillow Talk Secrets coming out, and of course, the release of The Big Book of Submission (which, by the way, was mentioned in Self Magazinecheck it out!)Oh, and did I mention something about a game and a giveaway involved with one of the aforementioned July posts? Yes, oh yes, there will be a game and a giveaway!

*Bouncy ball goes super flying.*

Okay. I have to pull myself together. As I tend to do, I’ve teased a tad here…so sorry. That’s me—big ole tease. Nonetheless, I promise the wait will bring you many sweet rewards…

It’s going to be a hot month, folks!
