Shadowy image of two shots of gin

“Two Shots of Gin”—An Exclusive on Tamsin’s Superotica Valentine’s Day Countdown!

The wonderful Tamsin Flowers is at it again—and this time, she’s got an exclusive flash story from little ole me!

You may remember Tamsin from my post about her delightful novella, The Christmas Tattoo, or maybe even from her super sexy Christmas advent calendar (on which she featured hot pics and excerpts of two of my stories, “Toys” and “Office Santa”). Well, Tamsin is not only an erotica darling, she’s also pretty savvy with countdowns. And since it’s February, she’s been running a smokin’ hot Valentine’s Day Countdown over at Tamsin’s Superotica!

Today, I’m thrilled to be a part of it. Tamsin asked me for a snippet—but since we’re pals, I figured I’d write a story just for her. And, it’s free! 🙂 So, please click on over to Tamsin’s place right now to read “Two Shots of Gin.”

Shadowy image of two shots of gin

While you’re there, be sure to peek at her previous posts for the Valentine’s Day Countdown. She’s hosting some incredible guests as well as showcasing excerpts of her own fabulous work, and there’s more to come as we count down to Valentine’s Day…

I hope you enjoy “Two Shots of Gin”!


Picture of panties around red shoes

So, the Novel’s Done

I bet you’re all still a little dizzy from my post last week with Alison Tyler. Me too!

However, despite the party I’ve been throwing over here, I ended up buckling down and finishing my first erotica book in the last week, too. In truth, I typed “The End” over a week ago, but I didn’t want to call it done, like stick a fork in it D-U-N done, until I handled all those pesky bracketed notes I’d left for myself.

There were 147 of them, after all. And while some of them were amusing, perhaps for only me—[where the hell did her shoes go?] and [what is that one type of jacket with the things and the stuff?]—there were 147 of them. But, as of Sunday, they’re all handled! The book ended up being 87,000 words rather than 90,000, but I was clearly at the end of this darling couple’s journey…at least for this segment.

So what now? Well, I strongly believe in the simmer theory. I gave the file a great big kiss and closed it up with red tape. It is not to be opened for editing until March 1st. This works out surprisingly well, since there are a gazillion short story submission deadlines in March. They’re calling me and a couple other erotica author pals like a siren song, to the point where one of these lovely ladies dubbed them The Calls. (Yes, with capitals. It’s that serious.) Basically, I will be churning out short stories for a month. And when I say “churn,” it’s looking to be about seven stories. Or ten. Depends on how ambitious I’m feeling. I suspect switching from the pace of 87k to 1-5k will require a sharp downshift, but I’m ready. I love shorts!

Speaking of, after tackling all those bracketed notes Sunday, I reopened a short story I’d written over the summer. I have a lot to say about this piece that I’m going to save for a later date, but what I can say is that it was probably one of the most emotional things I’ve ever written. Editing it was almost as difficult as writing it—tears everywhere—and I’m still trying to figure out where it came from. I think sometimes, as writers, we get into the grind of creation, and every once in a while we surprise ourselves. That’s what this piece was for me. For now, I’m filing it away until I can figure out what to do with it. 🙂

So, in summary, yes, the novel is done—but there are plenty of things ahead to keep me occupied until it’s time to crack it open and edit. And that’s the nature of this thing, I suppose. Go, go, go….

Till next time.


Banner photo of eyes beneath veil


Nothing like a little progress, right? So today, I thought I’d post a short update on my WIP.

In my last post, I mentioned I was too far along in my first erotica novel to get one of those delightful little counters.

Yeah, so I caved.

Jade’s Book Progress:

They’re just so cute!

I planned for this book to run about 80k, but since I’m a big fan of the editing process (translation: I’m a ninja word assassin), I opted to aim high in order to make nice, strong cuts as necessary when I go back in for editing. I have a few strategies I’ve used on my previous, non-erotica works, but I wanted to share Remittance Girl’s recent post about the editing process. It’s great guidance if you haven’t seen it yet (and if you aren’t following her, you should!).

I also have a tendency to write things in brackets, like [need better word] when I’d rather cruise on through my draft than get hung up on diction. That said, there’s still some “find and replace” work to do for my bounty of brackets once I hit that beautiful 90k mark …but even that experience is strangely fun. This whole process, honestly, is fun. I love writing short stories, but the act of working through an entire full-length is challenging and exhilarating in a totally different way.

Consider me hooked!

Meanwhile, back in the short story realm, I have some exciting news ahead…but you’ll have to wait for it a bit longer.

Know what else you have to wait for? My fabulous and delightful surprise guest next week! But, the good news is that you only have 7 days to wait. That’s right. Seven. Think you can hang?

Maybe I need to make a counter for that, too! 😉


Cover of The Big Book of Orgasms

A Little This, A Little That

Today’s post is a bit of a hodgepodge, but I’ve got lots of great news to share!

First, all 69 authors of The Big Book of Orgasms: 69 Sexy Stories got a happy surprise when this happened:

BBOO Top Rated on Amazon

TBBOO Rated #1 on Amazon E-books!

Wow! Our fabulous editor, Rachel Kramer Bussel, did an amazing job getting this book out into the world and in people’s hands, and it clearly paid off! I couldn’t be more delighted to be part of this book. I also finally finished reading the entire anthology and can confirm that every story was a treat. Haven’t picked it up yet? You can buy it on Amazon here, and my excerpt for “The Flogger” can be found right here.

Things got even more exciting when Ms. Bussel announced that Rose Caraway of The Kiss Me Quicks would be narrating The Big Book of Orgasms! No word on a release date just yet, but I’m a big fan of Ms. Caraway’s podcasts. She did a fantastic two-hour year-end show called “Halo Sex,” which included multiple sexy stories narrated to NIN’s music—you should check it out if you haven’t heard it yet! It was hot!

But wait, there’s more! Best Women’s Erotica 2014 ended up in audio form as well! It is narrated by Lucy Malone and is apparently a fabulous audio version. Would you like to hear all of these sexy stories in audio form? You can find the anthology on iTunes and Audible. Hurray! Also, if you’d like to check out my excerpt for “Toys,” you can take your pick from the intro excerpt or the spicier excerpt (specially hosted by Tamsin’s Superotica). 😉

Now, I have fun news specifically related to this blog: I will be hosting a very exciting guest in two weeks! Your breath will catch. Your toes will curl. You’ll be out of your mind with the deliciousness of it all! But until then…I’m going to zip my lips like the giant tease I am. Stay close for that one!

Lastly, I’m happy to report some personal news—I’ve been hard at work on my first erotica novel. *Squee!* After penning a couple dozen shorts (and as mentioned in my previous post, a couple non-erotica novels), I decided it was high time to take on the ultimate marathon novel. Thanks to a little holiday free-time and my somewhat insane tendencies toward hyper-focused dedication (did I put on pants today?), I’m about three-quarters of the way through. I was going to get one of those nifty counter thingies to put over on my sidebar because they tickle me, but by the time I remembered, I was already at 58k. Uh, whoops. Next book. 😉

Anyway, this is quite thrilling (at least, for me). I set some steep 2014 goals for myself and I’m ready to tackle them all! Stay tuned for more news on the novel as I progress on through…

I have more fun things to share, but for now I’m going to bat my eyelashes and leave you in anticipation. 🙂 In the meantime, please don’t forget to check out all the audio works above!


Cover of Holiday Spice

Smut of the Season, Smut of the Moment

As far as I’m concerned, every season is a good one for smut. However, the holidays, they are a-comin’ (pun intended)—so it’s not a bad time to start thinking about all the good reads you might want to gift yourself or a special someone this wintery season.

That said, I’d love to share exciting news—Foreword Literary releases Holiday Spice in early November, and my story “Office Santa” is included in the anthology!

Cover of Holiday Spice(I’m still trying to fall out of love with the cover model, by the way.)

Contracts and edits are in the works, but I will be posting an excerpt of “Office Santa” very soon. I had far too much fun writing this one, so I hope you’ll enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

I have more thrilling news about another anthology to share beyond this, too, but for now I’m going to play the tease and leave the rest of the present unwrapping for later! 😉

In the meantime, I’d like to talk about the “Smut of the Moment” for those who are interested—or, in other words, what I’m up to and the sultry books I’m reading.

Smut of the Moment: What I’m Writing

I only recently launched this site, so I figured this post I’d share some of my behind-the-scenes endeavors. Currently, I’m wrapping up three little things before I dig my heels in for a big thing:

  • Little items 1 & 2: Alison Tyler has another enticing BDSM submission call out, and naturally I cannot resist. Her submission calls have literally become my kryptonite (or perhaps I should say crack) since I can’t ever write just one piece. This time, I’ve settled on two—a BDSM threesome and a D/S twosome. Both are in the editing stages and will be submitted shortly. Cross your fingers for me!
  • Little item 3: I have a side project I put in a drawer six months ago. It’s been banging around making a lot of noise for me to finish it while I’ve been busy churning out short stories, so I’ve decided to give it a final edit and send it out into the world. That way, I can move along to…
  • The BIGGIE: I think I’m ready to write my first erotica novel, folks. Really. It’s time. I have all sorts of plans and have been jotting down notes between shorts over the last few months, and with the timing of projects 1-3 above, I suspect I’ll be ready to start mid-to-late November. I’ll probably miss NaNo, but my early Christmas present to myself is to get the table cleared for this novel. I’m excited!

Smut of the Moment: What I’m Reading

This is where I introduce you to the squealing fangirl inside me. If you follow me on Twitter, you may have already picked up on my general state of enthusiasm—it’s on high most of the time—but get me talking about some of the amazing smut-writers I read and I start bouncing around with a borderline hyena grin as I encourage you to read them, too!

  • I just finished Bared to You by Sylvia Day last night. I didn’t think I’d be into it at first, but it ended up being delicious. I bought the sequel today and will be starting it soon.
  • I’ve been reading and will continue to read The Mammoth Book of Best New Erotica 11, edited by Maxim Jakubowski. This collection is more literary, and so far I’ve been mesmerized by every piece. I liked the style so much, in fact, I submitted a couple shorts for Mr. Jakubowski’s recent call…no telling if my overseas mailing made it by the deadline, but I found a new twist to my writing and that’s inspiring for me. “What are You Wearing?” by Matt Thorne, “I Waited for You by the River of Time” by Remittance Girl, “Her First Thursday Evening” by M. Christian, and “The Amazing Marvella” by Elsie McGraw are favorites so far.
  • Butterfly by Kathryn Harvey (Barbara Wood) is in my hand right this second, taunting me. I’m playing a game of eeny-meeny-miny-moe here, because I’m also staring at my Kindle and debating between this and some smaller works:
    • Those Girls, a novelette by one of my erotica-writing heroes, Alison Tyler,
    • Shameless Behavior, an anthology of erotic stories on overcoming shame from Go Deeper Press,
    • Ask No Questions, a novella by Justine Elyot, whose shorts I’ve read so far are sexy as hell,
    • And of course, all 69 stories in my author’s copy of The Big Book of Orgasms: 69 Sexy Stories, since that will arrive in the mail any day now (*squeals!*).

This is just the short list of a bigger list that is actually an entire bookcase, but you get the picture.

On that note, time to hunker down and tackle more smut—be it my writing or reading someone else’s.

Till next time…
