On Elephants and Landmines, and the People Who Help You Through

I’ve been in a really funny headspace lately. It’s one that did more damage than good, but I think one we all go through from time to time, to one degree or another (or maybe I’m only saying that so I don’t feel crazy). But in truth, life happens—it’s just that sometimes, it’s full of giant elephants blocking your way between the landmines that can blow your path to smithereens.

Move it, Bertha.

So let’s see. Where do I start?

I’ve been working on this book. It’s an exciting one for me, a standalone story that I started as what I’d intended to be a quick detour before I sat down to draft the sequel of the book my agent is currently shopping around. This baby’s got a lot of elements going for it that have my engines revved…first, there’s a bunch of exhibitionism (as I’ve said before, I am a bit of an exhibitionist). Then, there are a few relationships happening for my darling lead female—not in a poly way, but in a super complicated way I’m enjoying navigating. And then, there’s said lead character—a woman who definitely doesn’t fit the current mold of female protagonists (read: naïve virgins), and who is instead a highly educated divorcée ready to break free of her troubled old life. Score!

But here’s the thing: this poor book has been taking a beating from day one.

It took seven weeks to draft my last book, but this one has had a perilous path, interrupted in more ways than I can count. There was the one-month break. Then the two-month break. Then that other break. Then the rewriting that had to happen since I kept trying to write while I wasn’t sleeping much, or while I was sick. Or…well, you get the picture. It’s just that, for some reason, I can’t seem to get my time and focus into the game on this one.

Okay, truth be told, I laughed as I typed “for some reason”—because my life has been a hot mess for a few months now. For the last five I’ve been contending with an oil-leaking car (finally fixed…I think) and the HOA waiving threats of fines about for the spot I “took too long to clean” (too long was a week, guys, a week) and now the manner in which I’ve cleaned it (because “soap is bad for the environment”). I’ve still been running Jade’s Cat Hospice, which strangely sucks up a lot of time when you consider chasing cats down and medicating them multiple times a day, with one of them using the litter box as her hiding spot when she’s on to me (oh my god STOP that, kitty, stop!), and twice weekly email correspondence with the vet tech. Then there was the cold from hell that completely knocked me out, ironically, for the few days I took off from work to get some editing in on the damn book. I can’t seem to solve my plantar fasciitis problem, and spend a surprisingly large amount of time working on that (stretching, icing, ordering new shoes, returning crappy shoes, wondering if I’ll ever run again, stretching, icing…). My sleep is fortunately not as bad as it was during my 6-week chronic insomnia run last year, but my trick of moving to the couch if I can’t fall asleep and waking up there with a messed up back in the morning is getting kind of old. Then there’s family drama happening that’s kind of boggling my mind, and on top of that, some shit went down at my day job that was serious enough I might need to consider legal help, but I’m not sure if—with my tendency towards insane stress levels—this is the route to go yet.

But all this is neither here nor there. There are children starving in Africa, right? This is what I learned growing up: my problems are not real problems because there are children starving in Africa. It’s a mantra I repeated to myself for decades, one that left me unable to acknowledge until way later that witnessing my parents’ terribly messy divorce when I was a child actually did have an impact. It was a mantra that prevented me from realizing that raising my sister for two years while I was 11 and my parent worked graveyard did force me to play the grown-up when what I needed was to be a little girl and cry. It was the same mantra that had me putting on my game face after a series of emotional and physical traumas in my teens and twenties, because it was easier to just smile, laugh it all away, and keep it quiet than handle it for what would be about a decade. And later, it would be this very same mantra that, when I was performing aerial circus stunts as I mentioned in my interview with Molly Moore, would lead me to break myself in the middle of a performance because I didn’t believe pain could stop me—or should stop me. Ps-shaw. Hell no. I didn’t do pain. I was a superhero and had no time for pain, relaxation, feeling hurt, any of that.

There were children starving in Africa, for fuck’s sake.

Well, the good news is now that I’m 35 and oh-so-wise (did you hear me chuckle just now?), I am less inclined to resort to the children starving in Africa mantra when I’m hurting. I totally feel pain, and I cry; heck, I even have meltdowns that could, I suppose, be hormonal, but holy shit. They happen. It’s rather bizarre, having been the levelheaded one in the family for so many years [decades], that now I actually cry and have to lay boundaries and stuff.

But that relaxation thing? That part where, when I see a big brick wall—or, say, a field full of elephants and landmines blocking every clear route—I know that I need to slow down and accept that this might be trickier than expected and that’s okay, because sometimes tricky things take time?

Yeah, that part I’m still working on.

So I think you might be wondering where the fuck I’m going with all this. Let’s cut back to the cold/chasing cats/work thing/family drama/limping on my foot on the way out to scrub more oil off the goddamn pavement moment: I finally had a whole day free to write and I simply couldn’t. I froze. I cried. I got myself caught in this loop over the fact that I was wasting my productive time to mull over all this bullshit that shouldn’t be stalling me. It was Meltdown City, and I kept wondering if I was PMSing, or worse, bipolar—because hell, that runs in the family—and before you know it, I’m on the internet taking a quiz to determine if maybe I am (who fucking does that?).

I suddenly felt like I did once upon a time, even without the Africa mantra, but damn—was I being hard on myself!

Then three magical things happened.

First, I put a call in to the wonderful and lovely Malin James. Many of you know I adore this woman—she’s like my long lost twin separated at birth—so she felt like the right person to call. She needed a few minutes to call me back, and that was okay. While I waited, I texted my other friend—a non-writer with whom I share other similarities (including some astrological traits, if you’re into that). As she texted me back, I randomly found this article by James Clear about not striving so fucking hard for goals and instead reaching for the process and savoring that. Because that’s attainable. That you can’t fuck up, or bemoan not reaching. Because it’s all about the journey, remember?

So about the time I’d gotten the gist of Mr. Clear’s very clear point, my phone went off with a text and a phone call all at once. My two dearies had come to the rescue. The texter hit me with some sweet words telling me I was going to do just fine with the book, and then some encouragement to go on a long walk and drink more (she’s an exercise fiend and a wine connoisseur) and remember we’re Geminis (and thus naturally a tad bipolar). Meanwhile, the fabulous Malin chimed in with her extraordinarily calming and logical approach to tackling huge missions while circumventing bitchy elephants and dangerous landmines in a way that made sense to me (the twin thing again).

Bring It, Journey.

Bring it, Journey. Konrad Bak ©123RF.com

And I’ve got to say—between these three events, I was suddenly okay with putting my story down for the day. I took a deep breath. I closed the browser telling me I was potentially bipolar. I calmly enjoyed the rest of my afternoon. I even went karaoking with another great friend (my version of the walk and drinking…instead I danced and drank) until something like 2 in the morning.

Because you know what? There are children starving in Africa. And elephants are awfully big to walk around. Also, landmines can be treacherous.

So sometimes you’ve just got to slow down and go with it.

Things are still stupidly chaotic in my life, but I’m not panicking on the book anymore. It will happen. And writing this post reminded me of a passage I scribbled from a phenomenal book I read last summer, Hillary Jordan’s When She Woke:

“I don’t have far to go.”

“That may be…or it may be that you have a greater distance than you think. But either way, you’ll get there eventually.”

You know what?

I will.


Slightly unfocused yet sexy image of a man kissing a woman's chin in bed

The Poem Challenge, Day 1: “Morning Desire”

I love to write poetry, and always have. Somewhere along the way, my poems switched gears and became erotic in nature, and eventually, I started showing them to more people. You may recall two of my poems appearing over The Erotic Woman—the first was “Power” and the second “Pink.” (Advisory: NSFW images for both links.)

So, shortly after I submitted “Awake the Nymph” to Vanillerotica, Tamsin Flowers, Malin James and I had our next Pillow Talk Secrets episode. Tamsin issued a challenge: the three of us were to write an erotic poem by our next Secrets session on October 8th. I eagerly accepted. But, since I already write erotic poetry, I thought I’d add an extra challenge for myself.

I’m calling it the 7-Day Poem Challenge. That is, for the next seven days, I will write a poem each day and post it here for you to see. This month has been impossibly complicated (which I’ll get to in a later post), so a little poetry to keep my writing flowing is helpful for me. And, hopefully in the process, you’ll enjoy it too!

Today’s poem is called “Morning Desire.” In truth, I wrote the first two lines with a magnetic poetry kit some ten years ago; these lines are still the first two lines of some other short poem hanging in my kitchen, albeit a much tamer thing. I think I like this one better. 🙂

So, without further ado, here it is…

Slightly unfocused yet sexy image of a man kissing a woman's chin in bed

Jade A. Waters

Desire felt like morning,
Sun caressing the world
Spreading tender waves that
Envelop me, encircle you.
Your hands trace down my back—
Neck to ass, hip to hip
You tug me closer
Ever closer,
Breathe a husky whisper
With lips soft, damp
And hungry,
Like me.

“Good morning.”
The words float between us,
Your body presses to mine
Your cock solid, seeking.
Your hand slips between warm thighs—
Testing and teasing,
Stroking with a sigh.
When I arch for you,
You sink inside
Teeth bared, sharp
On my shoulder;
In need.

Whimpers spill from my lips
Your thrusts remind me
Wake me
Loving and deep.
We shudder and moan—
Trembling, crying out
Surrendering to this morning desire.
The sunlight peeks
Through the blinds
Caressing skin, warming us.
We catch our breaths
Now one.


I hope you enjoyed “Morning Desire,” the first of my seven poems for the 7-Day Poem Challenge!

See you tomorrow with more…



Banner photo of eyes beneath veil

“Nice Shoes. Wanna Fuck?”…Or, The Joy of Pick Up Lines

Seeing as how it’s March, and I planned to edit my book this month, I’ve been doing just that—editing, editing, and then more editing. I’m about a third of the way through, which means my couple has already found their way past initial attraction and have moved well into…other things. 😉 But, in following their journey, I’ve been thinking a lot about what lines bring people together. Our initial attraction is often visual, but after that, there has to be an “in.” One party needs to open his or her mouth and actually say something.

And sometimes, what comes out is a good old-fashioned pick up line.

That idea got me thinking about pick up lines in general—who uses them, how they use them, and if they’re effective. For some reason I’m eternally tickled by pick up lines, especially when they’re used well. I’ve experienced a few (kudos to you, random man on street who burst into song with “One” written by Harry Nilsson—that was pretty clever). And I admit I’ve used some, too (“So…do you dance, or just stand there looking handsome?”—FYI, that shockingly worked). Still, most of my favorites are classics that would never be used in real life:

“If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?”

“I’m an organ donor. Need anything?”

“Your clothes would look good on my bedroom floor.”

“Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?”

I have a good friend who sticks to a tamer variety of lines, and apparently had great success with them for years: “Hi. Want to go back to my place and take a shower?” or the less obtrusive version, “Hey, would you like a massage?” (You know who you are, dude.)

It doesn’t really matter what the line is per se; we all know they mean the same thing—nice shoes, wanna fuck?

I guess this is why pick up lines amuse me. There are thousands of variations despite every single party knowing they are covers for the more direct question, which in some cases would have been less offensive/ridiculous/entertaining (choose one) in the first place.

So what about you? Have you ever seriously used a pick up line or heard a good one? Do you love or hate them?

And what are your favorites? Please leave me a note below! I’m hoping someone will throw out a rare gem. Will it be you?

If so…you must be a laser set on stunning! 😉
